Oppressions of Dalikrab Musings
by Justynn Tyme / 2006

"A bottom feeder, just a bottom feeder. Imagine that."

The spooge blowers called me that. They called me that.
They called me that, despite my thriving on their waste.
I am considered a delicacy.

Am I not a delicacy? Yes, I think I am.

My defenses dramatically trumped by the mallet.
I am crushed and what little is mine is taken from me.
Then spun into a myriad of meals. Some so simple as being...

Quartered and steamed. Then marinated in a white wine and garlic sauce. Heavily prodded with asparagus and chives. Then lightly curdled and sprinkled with lemon butter. Creates .8oz of pure scintillating flavor.
Serves one (seagull, a small one)

Self-Cannibalism is worth considering, considering.

I chortle at the spoogies,
A fragment of my former shelf is craving its niche
through the ventricular fold into the gastric pits.

"Horla!" I spake.